Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Narayanism and Single-ism!!

This is how it started....

Narayan and Me were at mainland china for lunch. We thought of writing a graphic novel, on the lines of dilbert on interesting life of being single. The strip is called.. you guessed it...


Haw many times have you heard stories of a friend meeting his future lifepartner on a flight across the Atlantic. It just took crossing a pond to find love. After all, this is a perfect place, you are 'up in the air', no distractions, bored, food and alcohol are taken care off, and you know what, if its a long flight, your first date can result in sleeping together. (a slight technicality... each in their own seat!). That day and this day, i have been very observant and keep a note of who sits next to me in a plane. Here are few incidents of flight romance:

  • This time i was greeted by a kid perched up on my window seat. The mother, is a British born Punjabi lady, who speak fluent Punjabi and the not so fluent English. My request to get my seat back was met with a few, not so pleasant Punjabi curses, which to this day, i cannot decipher.
  • A middle age couple, with an american passport- (oh damn, how much i want that, but with 'no English'.) As this nice Indian girl, I patiently fill their immigration cards. Got them alkatezer and ordered food from the air hostess. Its like, being a 'personal' attendant. 
  • This was a really big..(i mean really big) dude.. ooozing out of his seat, spilling into mine and feeding on a HUUUGE subway sandwich. The airlines should have charged me for only half a seat.
  • This one time was this really cute guy- tall, fair, handsome.. everything I could think of. I thought, may be, this is my lucky day.. may be this is when the fairlytale comes true for me. It was a 6 hr flight, so I have lots of time too. He was nice, pleasant and very talkative. We were connecting. We loved travelling, were working in similar industry, and guess what, we also found common friends. At the 5th hour of the flight, I heard about his 'partner'. (Gosh, where were my womenly instincts)
  • This was this boy- looked straight out of a rock band. Curly hair, light blue eyes, and a smile to die for. Our eyes did meet in the boarding area. We smiled at each other and yes, a little bit of flirtations. He boarded the plane. I followed almost 10 minutes after that. We saw each other in the plane.. two seats next to him were empty.. will any of these be mine.. don't know, lets leave it to luck. Damn, one gets filled. We both are looking at each other very hopeful, when the lady right in front of me, carry 5 'carry on bags' dumps them on the seat next to him. So long, dear friend.
  • This time, it was an English teacher from San Francisco. 14 hour flight- what more. Bearded guy- well not my type. So, for the first six hours we do not speak, just sleep. I figured, since we have already slept together (albeit in the plane and in out own small economy seats), its time to open some conversation. The man was pretty interesting. We talk of topics ranging from native Americans to amazon forests to English writing to Hollywood... To family to life. For some reason, I realized, only later when he was helping me get by bag from the overhead compartment- he had a ring on.
  • This is classic. Flirt with the air hostess. Perfect setting, you get the best of attention, best of food, wines and any meals not used in the first class. And if she is pretty and only in your city for a day, vola.. you have an interesting date. My friend, who was in this situation, flirts all 8 hrs in the flights.When de-boarding, goes up to this lady, thanks her, asks her what she was doing on that one day stop over. 
    • Kenny: Hey, thanks. I had a great flight.
    • Hostess: Cool. Enjoy being back home.
    • Kenny: So what are you doing this evening?
    • Hostess: Nothing
    • Kenny: Ok, bye!! (Kenny walks out, thinking, o shit. I could have asked her for a date!)
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