Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shaadi Mubarak 10

Rembrandt's Philosopher in Meditation (detail).
Rembrandt's Philosopher in Meditation (detail). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As I was sitting and watching the TV show - 'brothers and sisters', I was intrigued by a dialogue - "each one of us is picked to do something. You had no choice".

This was a reminder of the constant debate between karma and destiny.

Everyone of us- at some point deals with the question of what is the true meaning of life, often ask- or- what is my passion?

I have not been able to figure this out for a long time. I wondered, if I cannot figure it out myself, can someone else help me... what if my parents saw something when I was growing up.. may be that is an indicator of what i should be doing.

As i rethought this concept, i wonder, if people make choices when they have no choice. When they are left with make choice, they make a decision. Till the choices, keep on existing, people continue to push the decision, keep on jumping from one situation to another. Whenever, they reach a point, that they understand, they will not have any choices, they get scared of the future, they take the best decision they can take.

People, who continue to believe they have a choice, will continue to move from choice to choice, not taking a clear decision.

Conceptual, isn't it. But think about it!

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